Keep your BCD in good order
Good Buoyancy make the dive more enjoyable
Come and see our fully equipped Scuba Reair Service Department, Talk face to face with a Kirra Dive Technician.
If you use your Buoyancy control device (BCD) extensively or commercially, it should be serviced every six months or every 50 dives or with your Regulators (to save money). This will entail bringing in your warranty in order to save money on parts and in some instances, labour (which is seldom included in the warranty).

Kirra dive's servicing department services all makes and models of regulators and BCD's, no matter how old they are I’m sure we can help. A competent inspection will usually reveal whether or not your regulator or BCD is in need of an overhaul or a simple cleaning or tune-up.
No amount of washing or careful use can entirely prevent your regulator from becoming out of tune. A simple tune-up will usually involve adjusting the first stage valve to the correct intermediate pressure, along with perhaps a second stage adjustment as well.